Your symptoms are emitted by the tissue in distress

You must understand that the symptoms you experience are actually being emitted by the tissue in distress. It is its attempt to create awareness of the distress so an intervention can be performed to resolve the distress of the tissue. Just as pain at the left chest and arm is a symptom of the heart […]

At what point does the system realize it is diseased?

Regardless of whether you seek medical treatment for chronic pain from a neurologist, orthopedist, chiropractor, physical therapist, rheumatologist, podiatrist, physiatrist, pain management doctor or anybody else in the medical establishment you will be getting the wrong information regarding the cause of your symptoms. It is not any one person’s fault. They all went to medical […]

Update on New York trip in July

Thank you to everybody that responded to the news that I was going to be in New York for the week of the 10th thru 14th in July to treat people through the use of the Yass method. Every single slot on the schedule was secured except for 2: Monday- 7-9 pm and Thursday 5-7 pm. […]

You are not alone in suffering with chronic pain!

Everyday millions of Americans and roughly a billion people around the world seek medical attention for their chronic pain. When the procedures and surgeries don’t work they think it is them that it is problem. It just hasn’t worked for them yet or maybe its in their head. What they don’t know is that it […]

Back in Manhattan for treatment and media- July 10-14th!

Hello all. I have been asked to come to the northeast for a media event which always opens up the door for me to treat people looking to resolve their symptoms through the Yass method who might find it difficult to make it down to my office in St. Augustine, Florida. I will be in […]

One Skype away from resolving your pain!

From the first time my PBS special aired in June 2015 till today more and more people are finding out about the only true method to resolve chronic pain; the Yass method. The method is based on over 2 decades of experience treating more than 15,000 patients. At its core is the principle that pain […]