Some thoughts about this past week in New York

To all those I had the honor of treating or guiding through my workshop at the Open Center in Manhattan, I say thank you. Thank you for having the courage to take a different path then the one provided by the entire existing medical establishment in their false presentation that pain in most cases is […]

Update on upcoming events! Where I will be and when!

New York, New York- This is the last call for anybody wanting to see me in Manhattan, New York. On Sunday, August 21, I am performing a one day workshop from 10 am -5:30 pm at the Open Center at 22 East 30th Street. If you want further information regarding the event you can use […]

Highlighted in What Doctors Don’t Tell You magazine- What an honor!

Everybody has to check out the new August addition of What Doctors Don’t Tell You. The cover story is about how to end back pain forever and it discusses the Yass Method and provides an excerpt from my book, The Pain Cure Rx. What an honor to be highlighted by such a prestigious periodical. You […]

Article about the Yass method for a physical therapy website.

I have attached a link to a great interview I performed for a physical therapy website. I feel it helps to present the difference between my method and the general practice of physical therapy. I am always trying to present the vast difference between the Yass method of diagnosing the cause of pain versus physical […]

The additional benefits of strength training beyond resolving pain

There is no question that the primary reason I promote the value of exercise, specifically strength training is to resolve the cause of peoples’ symptoms and allow them to return to the quality of life they deserve. The fact is that there are systemic benefits that most people are not aware of and upon finding […]


I am confronted by people who explain to me that they are experiencing a burning sensation as the symptom they are concerned about. Inevitably they tell me they think it is a neurological symptom. Why? Because a diagnostic test found some type of structural variation at the spine namely stenosis, a herniated disc or a […]