New York, New York-
This is the last call for anybody wanting to see me in Manhattan, New York. On Sunday, August 21, I am performing a one day workshop from 10 am -5:30 pm at the Open Center at 22 East 30th Street. If you want further information regarding the event you can use the link below to get all information including pricing. This workshop will provide a thorough understanding of the Yass method including a compare and contrast with the existing model which is failing so miserably.I will present the components of the method and show that anybody can utilize it to confirm a diagnosis. If the cause is found to be muscular, I will show which exercises needed to be performed and how to perform them correctly. We will discuss the difference between the targeted progressive resistance exercise routine that I employ in my method versus the generic and ineffectively exercise that is found with most practitioners. At the end there will be chance for question and answer at which time I will address people’s specific issues and questions. So if you want to understand what is causing your pain and how to fix it, this is the perfect forum to achieve this goal.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-
The I Can Do It Tour is stopping in Philli. This is a three day event (September 16-18th) where you can here from different speakers regarding issues such as self improvement, self realization and other forms of holistic healing. I will be providing a 1 1/2 hour lecture on Sunday, September 18th from 2-3:30 pm. This is a very exciting event with a lot of energy. It is chance to get a nice flavor about what the Yass method entails and how it so different in its ability to diagnose and treat pain quickly and efficiently. The last time I did this event we had participants coming up on stage and I evaluating them in front of the crowd and doing so treatment to resolve their pain. The results were stunning and the crowd got raucous. I hope to create the same atmosphere at this event.

After the event for 6 days, Monday, September 19st through Saturday, September 24th, I will be treating patients. If you would like to make a reservation for the I Can Do It Tour, please click on the attached link; to make an appointment for treatment please contact my wife Lisa at her email address: She handles all appointments and all arrangements for me.

San Francisco, California-
Finally in October we are planning to make a stop in San Francisco. This will occur from Saturday, October 15th to Saturday, October 22nd. My intent is to provide one day lectures on Saturday and Sunday, October 15th and 16th and then to treat patients from Monday to Saturday, October 17th thru October 22nd. I am waiting to hear from somebody about a possible venue to perform the lectures at a local JCC (Jewish Community Center). If anybody has other suggestions of venues where it can hold up to 300 that would be greatly appreciated. The response to my method has been absolutely remarkable and humbling. I hope to see as many people as possible who have emailed over the past year asking for me to come back to San Francisco to speak and treat patients. I am so happy to be able to make this announcement and inform those in the area that I am coming back. If you would like to make a reservation for a lecture or to be treated or both, you can contact my wife Lisa at her email address: She handles all appointments and all arrangements for me.

I hope to see you out and about getting the Yass method and changing your lives as so many have done already!

Best wishes,

Dr Yass
Live Pain-Free