Great article in local newspaper spreads light on why the Yass method is best for diagnosing and treating chronic pain!
Hey folks. Here is a great article done about me in the local newspaper. Share it with family and friends suffering with chronic pain needlessly. If you have a medical practitioner you are going to who you think would benefit from utilizing the Yass method to improve your care, share it with them. We can […]
First the baseless MRI and now resolve your pain in your head; this is complete NONSENSE!
For over 3 decades you have been convinced to believe that the MRI in finding structural variations like herniated discs, stenosis and arthritis at the time you have pain means that these abnormalities are causing your pain. The fact is that these structural variations take years or decades to develop and if an MRI were […]
An MRI just found a herniated disc or stenosis, You Just Got Screwed!
It can’t be any clearer that the use of the MRI to identify the cause of pain is baseless. The idea that just because the structural variations like a herniated disc or stenosis was identified when you have pain means it is the cause is complete insanity. The simple question to be asked is what […]
Just because a herniated disc or stenosis is found at the time you have pain does not mean it hasn’t existed for years or decades!
Look at the way the medical establishment diagnoses the cause of your pain and you can see why it is completely baseless. The MRI is always performed when you are in pain. That is because you have no reason to get an MRI other than when you are in pain. The test is taken and […]
The Yass method “Live Pain-Free” national tour moves to Charlotte, North Carolina! Climb aboard!
The Yass method “Live Pain-Free” national tour moves to Charlotte, North Carolina. I will be in Charlotte February 27th- March 3rd, Monday-Friday. If you would like to get treated through the Yass method or are interested in getting a 1-2 lecture at your medical facility to present how the Yass method can be used to […]
Scoliosis can not cause pain! Here is why!
The diagnosis of scoliosis has led thousands of people to have surgery palcing a rod in their spine and yet there is no possible way scoliosis can cause pain. This complete lack of clarity and logic in understanding the proper mechanism to diagnose the cause of pain is the primary reason chronic pain exists at […]
Just like with Shark Tank, here is an update about a former patient! This can be you too with the Yass Method!
Just received this message from this former patient. This is the type of results you can achieve with the Yass method. This can be you! Don’t accept that chronic pain is a life sentence. Don’t accept the existing medical model as the only path. Addiction to prescription pain medication or being told that there is […]
Let’s Play The New Game: Guess What The MRI Would Show IF Taken Before You Had Pain?
For way too many of you the path has been long and hard relating to your chronic pain. Most have seen more medical specialists then they care to think about and yet the pain continues. I recently talked to a woman who told me she tried all the usual suspects for her back pain; epidural […]
Microdisectomy: Supposedly less invasive except to your wallet!
How many of you are having back pain getting an MRI finding a bulging or herniated disc and being told the best and most conservative approach is a microdisectomy surgery. Large corporations like the Laser Spine Institute promote the phrase, Look at what can be done in a 1 inch incision. The idea being that […]
Listen to a great interview as part of a Pain Summit. Spreading my message and my method!
This is a free event so you simply have to click on the link below to hear the interview. Interview Launch Date: January 26, 2017 For more information about The Yass Method go to or email me at [email protected]