Another update on the California trip.

We are still waiting for people to respond regarding the number of visits they are interested in receiving through treatment of the Yass method. If you are considering getting treatment while I am in California, please contact my wife Lisa at her email address [email protected]. We need to know how many people are looking for […]

Diagnosis-S I joint dysfunction for gluteal region pain-invalid with no evidence

The majority of you will be diagnosed with SI joint dysfunction when presenting with gluteal region pain. The sad reality is that there is no physical evidence that this diagnosis is valid. The procedures and treatments performed won’t work and you will sustain if not increase your pain.   The medical establishment will continue to […]

If your pain persists after treatment, the wrong tissue has been treated!

If you have pain and you seek medical attention and a medical practitioner diagnoses you and performs a treatment procedure or surgery and your symptoms persist after, you have no alternative but to recognize that the wrong tissue was treated. This sad tale occurs daily worldwide and must be recognized for what it really means. […]

A follow up to the trip to California!

We are trying to organize the trip to San Francisco and Los Angeles. If you are interested in being treated please contact my wife Lisa at her email address: [email protected]. Some people have contacted us indicating interest but have not been able to confirm how many days they are interested in being treated.  We need […]

Strength a key to balance, here’s why!

As people get older, the fear of losing independence becomes critical. The greatest fear is loss of balance. The general idea that balance deficits are a part of aging is a horrible fallacy. What has to be understood is that strength plays a critical role in sustaining balance with weight-bearing activities. Being prodded to go […]

Why you have pain and how it is sent!

For multiple decades the existing medical model has promoted the idea that pain and nerves are synonymous and therefore when you have pain you look to the neurological system through the use of MRIs to identify the cause of your pain. This completely ignores the well-documented theory that pain is an indication of a tissue […]

Update on trip to California!

Hi to all in California. We are beginning to formulate the itinerary for the trip. It appears that the first stop will be in San Francisco. That should be on November 14th, a Monday. We will be there for at least 3 days or more depending on the number of patients needed to be treated. […]

1000% rise in chronic pain treatment costs = collapse of Obamacare

The collapse of Obamacare has nothing to do with the inability to take in the appropriate revenue to pay for costs. The reality is that the cost of treating chronic pain has gone up over 1000% in the last 10 years. The vast majority he of this cost is 100% in valid based on the […]

Exercise without progressive resistance, worthless for gaining strength !

If you have gone for treatment through most medical practitioners and found yourself doing exercise without progressive resistance, you wondered what the value of the treatment was.   You were correct in thinking it was basically valueless. There is no way to get a muscle to get stronger without having the muscle adapt to greater and […]

A wonderful testimonial regarding my book and Skype session.

I can assure you there is very little difference between this individual’s situation and the one you’re experiencing now. The difference is that he found the Yass method and changed his life forever. Don’t wait for something to change. If you want to resolve your symptoms and regain your life, follow the path that this gentleman […]