We are trying to organize the trip to San Francisco and Los Angeles. If you are interested in being treated please contact my wife Lisa at her email address: treesoflife904@gmail.com. Some people have contacted us indicating interest but have not been able to confirm how many days they are interested in being treated.  We need to get a complete accounting of all people interested with the number of days they want to be treated so we can schedule the visits. I am very interested in coming to San Francisco and Los Angeles because so much interest has been expressed by people in these areas through email and phone calls. We would like to solidify the schedule in the next couple of days.

For those people not in these two areas, please feel free to contact me about treatment at my office in St Augustine, Florida or through a Skype computer evaluation and treatment. The reality is that in most cases the reason you are no closer to getting your symptoms resolved and returning to full functional capacity is because of the invalid use of diagnostic tests that identify structural variations which have nothing to do with the cause of your symptoms.

Your only true hope of identifying the tissue eliciting your symptoms rests in the understanding that the Yass method embraces which is the interpretation of the body’s presentation of symptoms along with some physical tests. It doesn’t matter how you obtain the usage of the Yass method, it only depends on when. How long do you have to remain suffering before you finally see the reality of the failures of the existing system and the promise that the Yass method offers.