Being one amongst all others does not make me wrong
I think one of the concerns people have in wanting to utilize the Yass method is that I am the only one promoting its validity while the majority of the medical establishment continues to promote the failed system of using diagnostic tests to identify the cause if pain. Think of these names Magellan, Gallileo,Copernicus, Einstein. […]
Don’t keep getting the same type of treatment and expect a different outcome!
The existing medical model exists based on the premise that the cause of pain can be found through diagnostic tests like MRIs and x-rays. These types of tests can only find structural variations like herniated discs, stenosis, pinched nerves at the spine, arthritis, meniscal tears, bursitis, labral tears and such as the peripheral joints. Treatment […]
Just a reminder- A couple of spots left for treatment while I am in Atlanta
I will be in Atlanta from June 28-30th which is a Tuesday to Thursday. If you would like to be treated by me using the Yass Method to properly diagnose and resolve your pain, I would be happy and honored to do so. There are just a couple of times slots available. If you are […]
The Yass Method coming to a town near you. Get treated and get resolved.
I am very excited to be getting the opportunity to be bringing the Yass method to varous cities across the country in the next couple of months. While there I will treat patients so they will get the benefit of an accurate diagnosis and treatment. With 90% of cases of pain being muscular in nature, […]
40+ Year bout of pain ends with the Yass Method – The Patient Testimonial
Dr. Yass I am going to try to thank you for your dedication to healing those of us who have been ignored by mainstream medicine. I am still trying to realize how much better I am since my 2 visits with your treatment. The video of your training is invaluable to me as I have […]
Patient File- Before and After- 3 weeks of treatment
Before and After Photos- 3 weeks of treatment The Yass Method- This is possible!
Most pain is mechanical not structural!
IMG_0312 Most pain is mechanical (muscular) not structural (herniated discs, stenosis, arthritis, etc). Until you accept this as fact, the chance of resolving your pain is slim to none. Here’s why!
Taking the show on the road to Atlanta, Georgia.
Hello to All, I have to be in Atlanta, Georgia at the end of June for a media appearance. While there, I felt it would be a great opportunity to treat some people suffering from pain who have been unable to resolve it. I am available for treatment June 28, 29, 30th, This is a […]
Upcoming Event- The Hay House World Summit- Learn why my method is your best hope of resolving your chronic pain
My publisher is now running their annual World Summit. They get together 100 of the worlds experts in a variety of areas of healthy living including nutrition, spirituality, psychic healing, plus others. The Yass Method and its ability to diagnose and treat chronic pain is being highlighted this year. This is the fourth year of […]
Aspercreame — Back pain from “Irritated Nerves”
The latest Aspercreame commercial promotes the idea that the cause of back pain is “irritated nerves”. This is complete insanity with zero scientific backing. It feeds into the cultural created premise that pain is from nerves. This is simply insane. When you are suffering from pain due to a kidney stone, is someone going to […]