Looking forward to Los Angeles trip!

My time in San Francisco is coming to a close. It has been an extremely successful trip. So many people suffering for so long for no reason other than a medical establishment unwilling to  change when all the evidence indicates it is failing miserably. I am blessed to have created a method which allows the […]

Did you know muscles refer symptoms as well as nerves?

You have been programmed over the last 3 to 4 decades that pain equals nerve. The MRI promotes that pain comes from structural variations found at this point.  Herniated disc’s, stenosis, pinch nerves, compression fractures, spondylolisthesis and alike are found at the time you have pain and the false correlation is promoted that the structural […]

No Surprise! I Still Treat Patients!

The first question that seems to come from prople who find out about the Yass method is whether I still take new patients. The answer is a joyous and glowing Yes! I am the only medical practitioner in the world with the real method to diagnose the cause of pain. The interpretation of symptoms to […]

Please finalize your appointments for the San Francisco trip.

I will be in San Francisco treating patients next week from Monday, November 14 through Friday, November 18. There are still a couple of people who have requested to be seen but have not finalized their appointment schedules. Please contact my wife Lisa at her email address: treesoflife904@gmail.com  to schedule all appointment times. It is […]

Yass method exercise versus all other forms of treatment for resolving pain!

So many of you have been sent for physical therapy, aquatic therapy, Pilates or told to do aerobic exercises like bicycles or treadmills to resolve your pain. There is a reason that success has not been achieved through these means. The reason pain occurs is because there are specific muscles that are not strong enough […]

If your pain persists after treatment, the wrong tissue has been treated!

If you have pain and you seek medical attention and a medical practitioner diagnoses you and performs a treatment procedure or surgery and your symptoms persist after, you have no alternative but to recognize that the wrong tissue was treated. This sad tale occurs daily worldwide and must be recognized for what it really means. […]

Sciatica from the lumbar spine; is simply insane!

If you are one of the hundreds of thousands who are diagnosed with some sort of structural variation such as a herniated disc, pinched nerve or stenosis at the lumbar spine as the cause of sciatica you are being severely mislead. The sciatic nerve has no connection with the spine and in fact begins in […]