My new internet radio show is arriving- Stop Your Pain Now, The Yass Way!

It’s coming! My new internet radio show, Stop Your Pain Now, The Yass Way!. The show will air on blog talk radio. To hear the show, become a follower,receive updates or leave comments, go to The show will be a chance for you to hear about how the Yass Method can resolve your pain […]

Being one amongst all others does not make me wrong

I think one of the concerns people have in wanting to utilize the Yass method is that I am the only one promoting its validity while the majority of the medical establishment continues to promote the failed system of using diagnostic tests to identify the cause if pain. Think of these names Magellan, Gallileo,Copernicus, Einstein. […]

Most pain is mechanical not structural!

IMG_0312 Most pain is mechanical (muscular) not structural (herniated discs, stenosis, arthritis, etc). Until you accept this as fact, the chance of resolving your pain is slim to none. Here’s why!

Taking the show on the road to Atlanta, Georgia.

Hello to All, I have to be in Atlanta, Georgia at the end of June for a media appearance. While there, I felt it would be a great opportunity to treat some people suffering from pain who have been unable to resolve it. I am available for treatment June 28, 29, 30th, This is a […]

A testimonial from a former patient

“When Dr. Yass first met me I was writhing in pain, racked by uncontrollable muscle spasms. After years of specialists, injections, drugs and useless therapies, I was literally close to giving up. After his initial examination, Dr. Yass’ extensive knowledge of anatomy and how the body works, devised specific exercise routines that after only 6 […]