What a Blessing He and His Book Have Been
Several years ago I happened to see Dr Yass on television. He was telling about the methods he had developed to cure pain. It all sounded very logical and “doable”. He told about the book he had written so that we could use his methods at home. Due to an automobile accident and to my […]
Walking with your feet close together most likely is a red flag of a muscular cause of your pain !
Most people stand or walk with their feet close together and don’t recognize this as a identifiable symptom of the cause of their pain. Strained gluteus medius muscles are a major contributor as a muscular cause of back pain, gluteal region pain, hip region pain, lateral thigh region pain, knee region pain, ankle region pain […]
No Surprise! I Still Treat Patients!
The first question that seems to come from prople who find out about the Yass method is whether I still take new patients. The answer is a joyous and glowing Yes! I am the only medical practitioner in the world with the real method to diagnose the cause of pain. The interpretation of symptoms to […]
Know the difference between a rotator cuff strain and a rotator cuff tear.
If you have shoulder pain and an MRI is taken and a rotator cuff tear is identified, you are told surgery is required. The fact is that most rotator cuff tears identified are chronic and degenerative in nature. They are not eliciting pain. In more than 95% of cases the cause of pain is a […]
The time has come for me to travel to the west coast to bring my special and unique approach to properly diagnosing and treating pain. If you have been suffering in pain with no answers other than pain medication, surgery or just being left to suffer, this is your chance to get the right diagnosis […]
A call to action: Organizations and groups resolve your pain now with the Yass method!
This is a call to action from Dr. Yass. Why live in pain and suffer? Why get together with your group or organization and just talk about the failings of the existing system to resolve your pain. Do something as a whole. Join together and set up a lecture or workshop to resolve your pain […]
21 year old with 4 years of back pain already? The Yass method needs to become the standard of care to end this insanity!
Here is a testimonial from a 21 year old young man who was put through the standard invalid diagnostic tests and treatment rendering him incapable of performing most functional activities and having to suffer with back pain for 4 years. This is disgraceful and a true indictment of the ineptness of the exisiting medical approach […]
A passionate testimonial from a patient named Darcy
Please warch this video if you or someone you know is suffering from chronic pain. You will learn why the Yass method is your only chance to properly diagnose and treat your oain. Don’t allow years to be squandered because the medical establishment is incapable of identifying the cause of your pain. Your chance to […]
An unsolicited review of the Pain Cure rx
I just had a patient see me from across the country who told me that the awareness of my method and my book was based on a woman who posted a review of my book, the Pain Cure Rx. This is the review. It is the third book of four that this woman reviews in […]
Don’t make the Yass method your last resort before surgery or giving into a life of pain! It should be the one and only resort for diagnosing and treating chronic pain!
Day after day I am confronted with people suffering from chronic pain needlessly. It doesn’t matter whether it is at the neck, shoulder, back, knee, hip or foot. They come to the Yass method for clarity and understanding. How can it be that after years of trying to resolve their pain, multiple medical practitioners, multiple […]