5 Meaningless diagnoses guaranteed to keep you in chronic pain!

The goal of the medical system and the key to the cultural programming that has existed for the past 30 years is the idea of convincing you that the cause of your pain is a structural abnormality. This is critical to keep you dependent on the medical system because as long as the cause of […]

Last Call For The Yass Method In Manhattan For November!!

I will be in Manhattan from November 27th thru December 1st, Monday thru Friday to provide in-person treatment utilizing the Yass method to diagnose and treat the cause of pain. The sessions are 2 hours long and are performed one-on-one. This is your chance to get the right diagnosis so the right treatment can be […]

Last call in South Florida and plenty to feel thankful for in Manhattan.

This is the last chance to make an appointment for this coming week while I am in South Florida (Boynton Beach)  to obtain the Yass method in person. I will be there on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 7th and 8th. There are still 2 appointments available. If you are suffering with chronic pain and wonder […]

Last call for the Yass method in Manhattan for October!

This is your last chance to make an appointment for treatment through the Yass method in Manhattan while I am there next week from October 23-27th, Monday thru Friday. There are just a couple of appointments still available. I stay and treat at the Hilton Grand Central at 42nd st and 2nd ave. Appointments are […]

The Yass method back in Manhattan in October!

I will be back in Manhattan in October for this month’s visit to the northeast so people in this area have the opportunity to obtain the Yass method in person. I will be in Manhattan the week of October 23-27th, Monday thru Friday. Appointments are two hours long and are one on one appointments. The […]

If This Testimonial Doesn’t Get You To Seek The Yass Method, What Will?

This is a post that was left to a Facebook Live presentation I provided. If you are still having chronic pain after all the treatments including surgery you have tried, why would you not move away from the existing medical system and try the Yass method. You have to see your situation exactly as this […]

Bone-on-bone: range of motion not an x-ray tells the tale!

You have been programmed to believe that an x-ray can identify whether a joint is bone-on-bone. This is a complete fallacy. Only a physical presentation of a major loss of range of motion indicates whether a joint is bone-on-bone. The x-ray cannot identify whether even a small joint space still exists. It simply shows a […]

Still a few slots available for the September trip to Manhattan

Just a reminder that there are still a few slots available for treatment by the Yass method during the September trip to Manhattan, NY. I will be there from September 25th thru 29th, Monday thru Friday. The sessions are 2 hours long and are one-on-one. Times run from 9 am in the morning to 9 […]