The additional benefits of strength training beyond resolving pain

There is no question that the primary reason I promote the value of exercise, specifically strength training is to resolve the cause of peoples’ symptoms and allow them to return to the quality of life they deserve. The fact is that there are systemic benefits that most people are not aware of and upon finding […]

Upcoming Events: Two Great Chances To Experience The YASS METHOD

Coming up in the next two months are get opportunities to learn about and experience the Yass method. One is a 1 day workshop in New York. The other is a lecture as part of the 3 day I CAN DO IT tour stop from Hay House. 1-I am performing a one day workshop from […]

Strength=Function is not just a motto; it is a way to live your life

It is so amazing to see how people after coming for treatment suddenly get this concept and begin to follow it as a way of life. You have to see that in the vast majority of cases of people suffering from pain it is a result of a muscle strain leading to weakness or imbalance. […]

Hopelessness is not an option

So many of you that I speak to have become so disillusioned because with all the diagnostics and all the treatments you are still in pain, sometimes worse then when the pain started. The natural tendency is to believe that all mwthods have been exhausted and there is no chance for recovery and that pain-free […]

Think of your pain as a friend not a foe!

I know so many of you are suffering with chronic pain and this had led you to perceive the pain you experience as a living, breathing entity that you would do anything to get rid of. This leads to getting narcotic drugs, epidural nerve blocks or even more insane procedures like radiofrequency ablastion (burning of […]

Updates: Treating locations and new internet radio show

This is your last chance to contact us if you are interested in getting treated in Atlanta, Georgia. I will be there June 28,29,30th which is a Tuesday to Thursday. If you want a chance for me to evaluate and treat you using the Yass Method please contact us to make an appointment. All appointments […]

Being one amongst all others does not make me wrong

I think one of the concerns people have in wanting to utilize the Yass method is that I am the only one promoting its validity while the majority of the medical establishment continues to promote the failed system of using diagnostic tests to identify the cause if pain. Think of these names Magellan, Gallileo,Copernicus, Einstein. […]