A diagnosis connects the symptoms to a particular tissue

Everyday people are given diagnoses for the symptoms they are experiencing and don’t realize that the tissue being identified could never create the symptoms being experienced. The idea of getting a diagnosis is to identify the tissue in distress that is supposedly creating the symptoms being experienced. The primary basis for deriving a diagnosis in […]

Last chance in South Florida to get the Yass method to end your pain

This is your last chance to get the Yass method in South Florida to end your pain. I will be in Boynton Beach, Florida at the end of next week, Thursday and Friday, January 25th and 26th. If you are suffering with chronic pain and have recognized that the standard medical practitioners are simply incapable […]

Symptoms matter!

Let’s face it. The medical system is not very good in resolving pain. I think that has become a well documented fact. No studies need to be performed. Just look around you at your family, friends and coworkers and see the failed results of specialists, treatments and medications. Look at the lives that have been […]

The Yass Method returns to Manhattan in February

January is always a slow month with people recovering from the holidays. So it was not a surprise that a trip to Manhattan in January did not occur. But now it is time to look forward and see an end to your chronic pain. I will be in Manhattan the week of February 19th thru […]


The last slew of emails I received truly shows that you just don’t understand the medical system and why you cannot have your pain resolved. Your emails are exactly the same in description of what happens to you and the same sense of surprise and dismay at the end when you are left in chronic pain. […]

You can learn to strength train at home. A gym is not required.

I am sure that there are many people who see the value in strength training whether for resolving their pain, maintaining their level of functionality or just sustaining their overall health. Many of you have never lifted a weight in your life. Many of you would feel awkward going to a gym to learn how […]