A passionate testimonial from a patient named Darcy

Please warch this video if you or someone you know is suffering from chronic pain. You will learn why the Yass method is your only chance to properly diagnose and treat your oain. Don’t allow years to be squandered because the medical establishment is incapable of identifying the cause of your pain. Your chance to […]

An unsolicited review of the Pain Cure rx

I just had a patient see me from across the country who told me that the awareness of my method and my book was based on a woman who posted a review of my book, the Pain Cure Rx. This is the review. It is the third book of four that this woman reviews in […]

Don’t make the Yass method your last resort before surgery or giving into a life of pain! It should be the one and only resort for diagnosing and treating chronic pain!

Day after day I am confronted with people suffering from chronic pain needlessly. It doesn’t matter whether it is at the neck, shoulder, back, knee, hip or foot. They come to the Yass method for clarity and understanding. How can it be that after years of trying to resolve their pain, multiple medical practitioners, multiple […]

Yass Lectures/Workshops now available to organizations and groups!

You get together with your organization or group and you casually discuss your pain, its affect on your life and all the failures that have left you wondering whether you will ever see a day without pain and a fully functional lifestyle. This is a common occurrence all across the United States. People having meetings […]

A humble thank you to all that allowed me to treat them in Philadelphia

As I bid Philadelphia a found farewell I cannot help but take pause to thank every person that gave me the opportunity to help resolve their pain and give them a chance to return to a fully functional lifestyle. I believe that every one of these people showed tremendous bravery to be willing to step […]