The missing ingredient to resolving your pain is STRENGTH!
You are a captive of the existing medical model when seeking a remedy to your pain. It adheres to a false and invalid premise that MRIs can identify the cause of your pain. Every bit of evidence proves this to be false. You don’t have to look futher than your friends or family to see […]
A New Offering: Skype computer lectures to medical facilities!
After a very successful lecture for a physical therapy facility in San Francisco, I came to the conclusion that other medical facilities could benefit from a 1 to 2 hour lecture in learning how the Yass method could enhance their understanding of how to properly diagnose the cause of pain. This knowledge will help both […]
Still awaiting responses from either Los Angeles or San Diego
We have not received enough response from either Los Angeles or San Diego to successfully complete either trip during the week of December 5 through the 9th, Monday thru Friday. I am not sure if it is that this is smack in the middle of the holiday season. The response in San Francisco last month […]
I give thanks to all those who have given the Yass method a chance to change the lives !
On this Thanksgiving I would like to give thanks to all those who have given the Yass method a chance to change their lives for the better. As I always do after successfully resolving someone’s symptoms and getting thanks from the individual I would like to also think the powers that be that have given […]
Lecture at physical therapy facility (Part 1)
It was an honor to be asked to speak at a physical therapy facility in San Francisco. My goal is to not only educate those suffering from pain but those in a position to treat it. This is an example of the type of information you can receive both as a patient in a practitioner. […]
A new city to visit for treatment; San Diego!
During my trip to San Francisco, I was contacted by a person who said that I should not forget the more southern part of the state of California and requested that I visit San Diego in the near future. I am always responding to the needs of those who request my method so I am […]
A testimonial from Pam after a transformational four day session.
Pam suffered for more than 10 years with severe knee pain limiting most functional activities from being performed without severe modification and excruciating pain. The medical establishment had no answer for her so many of the activities she desired to perform she could not. After seeing me in the PBS special I performed she purchased […]
Looking forward to Los Angeles trip!
My time in San Francisco is coming to a close. It has been an extremely successful trip. So many people suffering for so long for no reason other than a medical establishment unwilling to change when all the evidence indicates it is failing miserably. I am blessed to have created a method which allows the […]
Did you know muscles refer symptoms as well as nerves?
You have been programmed over the last 3 to 4 decades that pain equals nerve. The MRI promotes that pain comes from structural variations found at this point. Herniated disc’s, stenosis, pinch nerves, compression fractures, spondylolisthesis and alike are found at the time you have pain and the false correlation is promoted that the structural […]
Walking with your feet close together most likely is a red flag of a muscular cause of your pain !
Most people stand or walk with their feet close together and don’t recognize this as a identifiable symptom of the cause of their pain. Strained gluteus medius muscles are a major contributor as a muscular cause of back pain, gluteal region pain, hip region pain, lateral thigh region pain, knee region pain, ankle region pain […]