During my trip to San Francisco, I was contacted by a person who said that I should not forget the more southern part of the state of California and requested that I visit San Diego in the near future. I am always responding to the needs of those who request my method so I am more than happy to put out an invitation to those in the San Diego area. I will consider coming to San Diego assuming I get enough of a response. If you are in the area and would like to receive treatment from me through the use of the Yass method, please contact my wife Lisa at her email address: treesoflife904@gmail.com. She can handle any questions you may have and can schedule your appointments for you. I would expect to come to San Diego either in December, next month or January, 2017.

I am still awaiting responses from a lot of the people in Los Angeles who initially showed interest but have not finalized their appointments with Lisa. We cannot schedule these trips unless we can solidify about 10-15 people to see for each trip. The California trips are the farthest trips for me as I am going completely across country so I really need them to be as full as possible especially because I don’t know when I will be able to return. I would like to make December and January the two months for trips to Los Angeles and San Diego and then I can start to move back toward states like Texas where Dallas and Houston have had a lot of interest.

As is always the case, if you are seeking the Yass method to resolve your symptoms and are not in Los Angeles and San Diego you are more than welcomed to come to my office in St Augustine Florida which is in the northeastern part of the state about 30 minutes south of Jacksonville. I still take new patients and feel it is my obligation to make myself available to as many people as possible. The Yass method is completely different from the existing medical model in terms of how to properly diagnose the cause of pain. The use of MRIs and the identification of structural variations is completely invalid. You have a 90 to 95% chance of being misdiagnoses simply by entering the medical establishment and getting your diagnosis through diagnostic tests like MRIs. The Yass method interprets the body’s presentation of symptoms to properly identify the tissue eliciting the symptoms. In more than 95% of cases, the tissue is muscle. Muscular causes do not show up on diagnostic tests nor is there any medical practitioner designed to identify these causes.

My responsibility is to create maximal awareness of the Yass method and make it available for every person who is seeking to end their suffering and get back the life that they deserve. This can only be accomplished by use of the Yass method. I pray you find your way to this understanding. For more information about the Yass method go to my website at www.mitchellyass.com or you can email me at drmitch@mitchellyass.com.