A Shout-out to all medical practitioners who might be interested in the Yass method!

If you are a nurse, primary care physician, chiropractor, physical therapist, massage therapist or other specialist and feel that your educational background has let you down in terms of your ability to properly diagnose and treat your patients’ pain and you are looking for something new, I hope you will give the Yass method a […]

You can’t say it any simpler then this!

LEARN IT! LIVE IT! RESOLVE YOUR PAIN! TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK! Please share this post with a family member or friend suffering with chronic pain. Please share this post with a medical practitioner who wants to help their patients resolve their symptoms and return to a great quality of life. Together we can end the […]

A New Offering: Skype computer lectures to medical facilities!

After a very successful lecture for a physical therapy facility in San Francisco, I came to the conclusion that other medical facilities could benefit from a 1 to 2 hour lecture in learning how the Yass method could enhance their understanding of how to properly diagnose the cause of pain. This knowledge will help both […]

Still awaiting responses from either Los Angeles or San Diego

We have not received enough response from either Los Angeles or San Diego to successfully complete either trip during the week of December 5 through the 9th, Monday thru Friday. I am not sure if it is that this is smack in the middle of the holiday season. The response in San Francisco last month […]

Looking forward to Los Angeles trip!

My time in San Francisco is coming to a close. It has been an extremely successful trip. So many people suffering for so long for no reason other than a medical establishment unwilling to  change when all the evidence indicates it is failing miserably. I am blessed to have created a method which allows the […]

Did you know muscles refer symptoms as well as nerves?

You have been programmed over the last 3 to 4 decades that pain equals nerve. The MRI promotes that pain comes from structural variations found at this point.  Herniated disc’s, stenosis, pinch nerves, compression fractures, spondylolisthesis and alike are found at the time you have pain and the false correlation is promoted that the structural […]