A passionate testimonial from a patient named Darcy

Please warch this video if you or someone you know is suffering from chronic pain. You will learn why the Yass method is your only chance to properly diagnose and treat your oain. Don’t allow years to be squandered because the medical establishment is incapable of identifying the cause of your pain. Your chance to […]

Don’t make the Yass method your last resort before surgery or giving into a life of pain! It should be the one and only resort for diagnosing and treating chronic pain!

Day after day I am confronted with people suffering from chronic pain needlessly. It doesn’t matter whether it is at the neck, shoulder, back, knee, hip or foot. They come to the Yass method for clarity and understanding. How can it be that after years of trying to resolve their pain, multiple medical practitioners, multiple […]

Yass Lectures/Workshops now available to organizations and groups!

You get together with your organization or group and you casually discuss your pain, its affect on your life and all the failures that have left you wondering whether you will ever see a day without pain and a fully functional lifestyle. This is a common occurrence all across the United States. People having meetings […]

Final Call for Atlanta, Georgia. All Aboard!!!

This is my last post about my trip to Atlanta. I will be there from Monday to Wednesday, Sept 12-14th. If you are seeking treatment incorporating the Yass method. This is your last chance to make an appointment. There are only a couple of spots left. Remember that the Yass method is the only method […]

The gift of the Yass method for a 83 year old woman

These are the types of cases that have driven me over the past 23 years to reach out to as many people as possible to let them know that there is a real, logical and accurate method for diagnosing and treating chronic pain called the Yass method. It is insane to think that a person […]

Update on upcoming events

Atlanta, Georgia: Will be treating patients from Monday-Wednesday, September 12-14th. I have some business to take care of in Atlanta so this is a short trip but I will see some patients while there. If you are interested in getting treatment, please contact my wife Lisa at her email address,  treesoflife904@gmail.com. She makes all appointments […]

Leg length discrepancy as justification for a hip replacement is perverse.

People are constantly being told that the pain they are experiencing in the hip region is from being bone on bone and that the indicator of this fact is that one leg is shorter than the other. Without the ability to understand whether this information has any validity or not, you are susceptible to being […]