A blind man cannot see a pot of gold in front of his face !

For more than two decades I have shown that the existing model of utilizing the MRI as the primary mechanism to diagnose the cause of pain is completely invalid. Scientific evidence has proven study after study that this is the truth.  Empirical data indicating failed treatments and procedures to address pain noted by the epidemic […]

Don’t keep getting the same type of treatment and expect a different outcome!

The existing medical model exists based on the premise that the cause of pain can be found through diagnostic tests like MRIs and x-rays. These types of tests can only find structural variations like herniated discs, stenosis, pinched nerves at the spine, arthritis, meniscal tears, bursitis, labral tears and such as the peripheral joints. Treatment […]

A simple and telling testimonial about how the Yass Method can change lives!

Hi Dr. Yass, I completed my first 5K Walk yesterday without any problems!! Again, I can’t praise you enough for my recovery. God answers prayers. Resistance exercises will continue to be a part of my regular exercise program. I look forward to continued healing. My sincere Thanks, Dr. Yass The connection has been made; pain […]