Lecture at physical therapy facility (Part 1)

It was an honor to be asked to speak at a physical therapy facility in San Francisco. My goal is to not only educate those suffering from pain but those in a position to treat it. This is an example of the type of information you can receive both as a patient in a practitioner. […]

A passionate testimonial from a patient named Darcy

Please warch this video if you or someone you know is suffering from chronic pain. You will learn why the Yass method is your only chance to properly diagnose and treat your oain. Don’t allow years to be squandered because the medical establishment is incapable of identifying the cause of your pain. Your chance to […]

Upcoming Events: Two Great Chances To Experience The YASS METHOD

Coming up in the next two months are get opportunities to learn about and experience the Yass method. One is a 1 day workshop in New York. The other is a lecture as part of the 3 day I CAN DO IT tour stop from Hay House. 1-I am performing a one day workshop from […]

A testimonial from a former patient

“When Dr. Yass first met me I was writhing in pain, racked by uncontrollable muscle spasms. After years of specialists, injections, drugs and useless therapies, I was literally close to giving up. After his initial examination, Dr. Yass’ extensive knowledge of anatomy and how the body works, devised specific exercise routines that after only 6 […]