It is tough enough to get our message and method out in the media at all.  It is generally easier for media personnel to play it safe and present what is considered maintain stream. So you can only imagine the sense of satisfaction that develops not only when you are highlighted in a magazine with such a prestigious reputation as WDTTY, but to be the cover story is saying you are really getting traction with your message.

In this case, the cover story discusses the false mechanism of diagnosing the cause of knee pain through diagnostic tests like x-rays and MRIs. It is a wonderful presentation of facts about why there is a much greater chance that the cause of the knee pain is muscular based and if so provides the understanding of how to resolve the pain.

This is a must read article for anybody suffering with knee pain. If you have had a failed knee replacement or other surgical intervention don’t worry, the mechanism for resolving the pain holds true for you as well if the cause is muscular. Please share this post with  anybody suffering with knee pain. For medical practitioners who are considering getting certified in the Yass method this is the kind of information you will receive which will help you better understand how to properly diagnose and treat chronic pain. This is also a good example of the type of media the Yass method is garnering and why you can believe that the method is catching on and more and more people will be moving from the failed and flawed existing model to the Yass method.

It is time for all those suffering to resolve their pain, regain their functional capacity and reclaim their lives. Its time for the Yass method.                 email: