Lecture at physical therapy facility (Part 1)

It was an honor to be asked to speak at a physical therapy facility in San Francisco. My goal is to not only educate those suffering from pain but those in a position to treat it. This is an example of the type of information you can receive both as a patient in a practitioner. […]

Looking forward to Los Angeles trip!

My time in San Francisco is coming to a close. It has been an extremely successful trip. So many people suffering for so long for no reason other than a medical establishment unwilling to  change when all the evidence indicates it is failing miserably. I am blessed to have created a method which allows the […]

Did you know muscles refer symptoms as well as nerves?

You have been programmed over the last 3 to 4 decades that pain equals nerve. The MRI promotes that pain comes from structural variations found at this point.  Herniated disc’s, stenosis, pinch nerves, compression fractures, spondylolisthesis and alike are found at the time you have pain and the false correlation is promoted that the structural […]