Why choosing The Pain Cure Rx as the only method of diagnosing and treating your pain
Simply put, pain at the neck, back or extremities will mostly result from irritation of bone, nerve or muscle. The only way to get a correct diagnosis for the cause of your pain is to use a method capable of diagnosing all three of these as potential causes. The reality of the existing system is […]
Please Understand! It is my method that will resolve your pain; not me!
This is a response from a person that used my method to resolve her knee pain very quickly. “Hello Mitchell Yass, It’s Dianna, we recently talked over the phone about my knee. We spoke while you were driving. I want to thank you again for taking the time out to talk to me. I did […]
Strengthening your lower back to resolve lower back pain sounds good right? WRONG!
For those in the medical community who promote the idea that exercise can help resolve lower back pain, there is a general belief that one of the keys is to strengthen the lower back. For the average person, this seems like the right idea. The premise is simple, you have lower back pain because the […]
Pain between the shoulder blades from a cervical disc, stenosis or pinched nerve: IMPOSSIBLE!
I have treated many patients who had pain between the shoulder blades and were diagnosed with either a cervical herniated disc, stenosis or pinched nerve. This led to treatment at the cervical spine including epidural nerve blocks, pain medication and worst of all many had surgery to the cervical spine which did nothing to resolve […]
Stretch your quad to see if your back pain is muscular
So many people are told that the cause of their back pain is structural due to a positive finding on an MRI like a herniated disc, stenosis or pinched nerve. This leads to treatment such as epidural nerve blocks, pain medication and ultimately surgery. The worst part of this situation is that there is a […]