Pain does not always equate to nerve pain

The medical establishment for years has promoted the idea that pain is always associated with the neurological system meaning it either comes from nerves or from elements of the spinal system that protect nerves like herniated discs, stenosis, pinched nerves, scoliosis or even degeneration of the spine. This concept must be eradicated because it couldn’t […]

X-ray for bone on bone- One picture that is worth only one word- FALSE.

Almost on a daily basis I encounter somebody that has been told that their knee or hip is bone on bone strictly as a result of an x-ray that showed no joint space. From this point forward, I want anybody who sees this post to spread this proclamation; THE X-RAY IS NOT ABLE TO SEE […]

Please Understand! It is my method that will resolve your pain; not me!

This is a response from a person that used my method to resolve her knee pain very quickly. “Hello Mitchell Yass, It’s Dianna, we recently talked over the phone about my knee. We spoke while you were driving. I want to thank you again for taking the time out to talk to me. I did […]

Stretch your quad to see if your back pain is muscular

So many people are told that the cause of their back pain is structural due to a positive finding on an MRI like a herniated disc, stenosis or pinched nerve. This leads to treatment such as epidural nerve blocks, pain medication and ultimately surgery. The worst part of this situation is that there is a […]