Hopelessness is not an option

So many of you that I speak to have become so disillusioned because with all the diagnostics and all the treatments you are still in pain, sometimes worse then when the pain started. The natural tendency is to believe that all mwthods have been exhausted and there is no chance for recovery and that pain-free […]

Don’t keep getting the same type of treatment and expect a different outcome!

The existing medical model exists based on the premise that the cause of pain can be found through diagnostic tests like MRIs and x-rays. These types of tests can only find structural variations like herniated discs, stenosis, pinched nerves at the spine, arthritis, meniscal tears, bursitis, labral tears and such as the peripheral joints. Treatment […]

The Yass Method coming to a town near you. Get treated and get resolved.

I am very excited to be getting the opportunity to be bringing the Yass method to varous cities across the country in the next couple of months. While there I will treat patients so they will get the benefit of an accurate diagnosis and treatment. With 90% of cases of pain being muscular in nature, […]

Pain does not always equate to nerve pain

The medical establishment for years has promoted the idea that pain is always associated with the neurological system meaning it either comes from nerves or from elements of the spinal system that protect nerves like herniated discs, stenosis, pinched nerves, scoliosis or even degeneration of the spine. This concept must be eradicated because it couldn’t […]