This woman suffered for years after failed surgeries and other treatments. She found the Yass method and within a couple of months was pain-free. She describes many of the treatments and practitioners that failed her and why she feels she needs to endorse the Yass method as the only way of resolving pain.
if you like what she has to say, please subscribe to my channel as this helps me improve my reach with Google so i can reach more people and help to resolve the pain of so many who are seeking this answer to live the lives they so justly deserve
Check out this video that provide unending evidence that the Yass method of diagnosing through the interpretation of the body’s presentation of symptoms is the only way to identify the tissue in distress eliciting the symptoms being experienced. This is in stark contrast to the global medical establishment blind use of diagnostic tests which identify structural variations as the cause of your symptoms that existed years if not decades before your symptoms began as well as being found in as many people without pain as those with pain.
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I appreciate any help i can get in spreading my message and method to as many that need it to end their pain and reclaim the lives they so justly deserve.