Here are 5 reasons to trust and use the Yass method to properly diagnose the cause of your pain so the correct treatment can be provided ending yours symptoms and returning your quality of life quickly and effectively.

1. Get the right diagnosis.

Using the MRI to identify the cause of your pain gives you a greater than 90% chance of misdiagnosis. This is because the MRI will simply identify structural variations like herniated discs, arthritis, stenosis, meniscal tears, compression fractures and the alike! These structural variations are in almost all cases are independent to the tissue eliciting the symptoms being experienced. In more than 98% if cases the tissue is muscle. Either a muscle has strained and is eliciting pain, or weakness or imbalance has occurred causing misalignment of joint surfaces of a joint leading to joint pain, or a muscle has strained and is referring symptoms like a rotator cuff strain creating tingling or numbness at the hand through trigger points in the rotator cuff muscle, or a muscle strains and impinges on a nerve causing the nerve to refer symptoms like sciatica resulting almost always from the piriformis muscle in the gluteal region impinging on the sciatic nerve having nothing to do with the lumbar spine. Not one of these causes will ever show up on a diagnostic test like the MRI nor is there any medical specialist designed to identify these causes.

More facts to accept as pure validation that this MRI is worthless in identifying the cause of your pain. In one study, people over the age of 60, 90% of who had absolutely no back pain were found to have bulging or degenerative discs while in another study over 85% of those who have lower back pain can not have their pain attributed to a spinal abnormality like a herniated disc or stenosis leading the American College of Physicians to recommend that MRIs no longer be used to identify the cause of lower back pain. Then there is the logical perspective on its use. The test is always taken while the person is in pain. Since the structural variation is found while the person is in pain, the medical establishment promotes this means that the structural variation is causing the pain. But what if the pain only began 2 weeks before the test was taken. This would imply that if an MRI was taken just 2 weeks and 1 day prior, the structural variations would not be found because 2 weeks and 1 day ago, the person did not have pain. The reality is that these structural variations are slow and progressive in nature and take years to develop. So the reality is if you take the MRI even 3 or 6 months prior, the results would have been identical to the day they were taken and the person would not have been in pain.

Then there is the scientific evidence about surgeries relating to these positive findings on MRIs. The medical establishment was forced to create the diagnosis “failed back surgery syndrome” to account for all the people who end up with the same if not greater pain after a surgery is performed. The failure rate for back surgery is now over 70%. 22 million Americans are addicted to prescription pain medication.

Now let’s look at the Yass method. I know of no other method nor medical practice fully denounces the MRI as completely invalid nor presents a logical, analytical approach to interpreting the body’s presentation of symptoms as it’s primary method of diagnosing the cause of pain. The body presents very specific symptoms when trying to indicate that a tissue is in distress and requires an intervention to make the tissue right again. The pain elicited is actually part of the body’s emergency awareness system. So pain is not something to be ignored or masked. Quite the opposite, it should be embraced and understood. That is exactly the approach the Yass method takes. It looks at what the body is presenting and actually speaks to the patient about their circumstances to come to a conclusion as to which tissue is eliciting the symptoms being experienced. The Yass method can identify all possible tissues that can elicit symptoms. The splintered medical establishment system guarantees you seeing a specialist only capable of identifying the singular tissue they were trained to identify. This along with the MRI not being able to identify all possible tissues almost guarantees a false diagnosis leading to improper and unnecessary treatments and the promise of chronic pain.

2. If muscle is the tissue eliciting your pain, targeted progressive resistance exercise is all it takes to resolve your pain!

If muscle is found to be the tissue eliciting your symptoms through a Yass method evaluation, the targeted progressive resistance exercise is all you need to end your symptoms quickly and effectively. No more medications, no more injections, no more procedures, no more surgeries, no more diagnostic tests, no more specialist visits. If muscle is eliciting pain it is doing so because it is simply not stronger enough to create the proper force necessary to perform your functional tasks against the force of gravity. That’s it! That is the reason for most people’s pain. You are trying to perform tasks in a gravity environment. If all the muscles needed to do so are not strong enough, they will break down and elicit pain, or refer pain through trigger points, or impinge on nerves that refer pain or cause misalignment of joint surfaces leading to joint pain. The reality is that there is only one modality or form of treatment that can work to resolve the distress of muscle and that is targeted progressive resistance exercise. This must be completely seen as independent from any form of general types of exercise. This is completely different from walking on a treadmill, aquatic exercise, physical therapy, Pilates, yoga, most fitness programs performed in gyms like doing planks or functional activities.

Yass method exercise includes both progressive resistance and targeted in the concept. Progressive resistance because the key to making a muscle strong enough to perform the activities or tasks you want to without straining requires causing the muscle to adapt to greater and greater resistances which causes growth of muscle. Any exercise performed where resistance is not progressed will not achieve this goal. Targeted relates to the idea that specific muscles are not strong enough which leads to symptoms and dysfunction. Through a Yass method evaluation these muscles can be identified. Once identified only these muscles need to be and should be strengthened. This requires an understanding of how to isolate muscles. This means knowing how to perform the correct exercises in a way where maximal energy can be used by the exercising muscle. This means the rest of the body must be stable and non working. This is built into the understanding of the Yass method. All other forms of exercise use gross movements utilizing multiple muscles at the same time. This allows other muscles to compensate for weakened muscles never allowing them to be strengthened sustaining the symptoms and dysfunction.

By knowing which muscles need to be strengthened and having a fully indepth understanding of how to strengthen them correctly in an isolated fashion with progressive resistance, no other treatment is required or should be accepted as valid.

3. Pain resolved in just weeks not months or years!

If the tissue eliciting your pain is muscle, then identifying the right muscles and strengthening them properly should result in a resolution of symptoms and an complete return to full function in just weeks. Usually 2 to 3 progressions of resistance when strengthening a muscle is enough to get it strong enough to be able to participate in function without straining thereby preventing symptoms or dysfunction from being present. This can usually be achieved in just weeks. This is obviously contingent upon how long symptoms and dysfunction have existed, how many muscles are strained, how much compensation has occurred. The fact is however that the time it takes for most people to resolve their pain and return to normal function is much less then people anticipate after years of trying with other methods and getting no results. The great part about the Yass method is it is clear and logical. Once enough strength is developed in all the appropriate muscles so functional activities can be performed without symptom and fully, that is all that is necessary to achieve this goal. So regardless of where you are in the cycle of strengthening, you know there is a definable endpoint. Enough strength developed, no symptoms and full function achieved.

4. Pain resolved for good!

If the tissue eliciting your pain is muscle and you develop enough strength in all the relevant muscles for functional activities to be performed without symptom and fully, all you have to do is sustain that strength and the symptoms simply will reoccur. The relationship is clear. More strength of all the relevant muscles to perform functional tasks then the force requirements of the tasks and you have no symptoms and full function. If the force requirements become greater than the force output of the relevant muscles then symptoms and dysfunction develops. Keep the strength of all the muscles needed for function strong enough throughout your lifetime and symptoms and dysfunction will not appear. That is why the promotion of a general progressive resistance exercise program is promoted and endorsed by the Yass method for everybody. Why wait to have symptoms to recognize how to prevent them. Sustain a simple two to three time a week strength training program exercising for no more than 30 to 45 minutes per session to maintain your functional capacity and prevent symptoms from developing.

5. Cash flow for treatment ends!

Why should you have to think about whether next month you will have to make a choice between money for food or money for prescription pain medication? Why wonder whether you can afford next month’s epidural nerve blocks, radiofrequency ablation or rhizotomy? What about next month’s cortisone shot or anti-inflammatory drugs? All of these medications or procedures do nothing to resolve the cause of your symptoms. They don’t change or alter any tissue that is in distress. They just mask your symptoms and that means the cause remains forever. After the first surgery fails, the option for a second third and fourth are always present. You must recognize that if a practitioner says that a procedure is going to resolve your symptoms by addressing the tissue responsible for the symptoms and the symptoms continuing after the procedure, there is only one conclusion that can be derived about the procedure and that is the wrong tissue was treated. This is something you must accept and question whether this practitioner should be trusted when they tell you that the next procedure is the one that will resolve your symptoms.

If the cause is muscle which it has been shown to be in 95 to 98% of cases, only targeted progressive resistance exercise can resolve the cause leading to a resolution of symptoms and return to full function. Once sustained, no other money need be spent. The money in your pocket can stay in your pocket because the Yass method prides itself on empowering the person to be able to know how to sustain the benefits from the Yass method so no other practitioners or procedures need be required.

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