This is a response from a person that used my method to resolve her knee pain very quickly.

“Hello Mitchell Yass, It’s Dianna, we recently talked over the phone about my knee. We spoke while you were driving. I want to thank you again for taking the time out to talk to me. I did the exercises you recommended and just want to let you know that my knee started to feel better instantly. My pain went away within the week I started to do the exercises. I also did the stretching techniques you suggested and that has been very helpful also. Right after we spoke on the phone I ordered your book “Overpower Pain” and it has also been helpful. My husband started to feel sciatic pain and once he did one of the stretches in the book he felt immediate relief. I am looking forward to your new release in June and wish you much success. Thank you again,”

This is just one example of how easy it is to resolve your pain once you can determine which tissue is creating the pain. I never met this woman and only spoke to her once to help her understand that the pain she was experiencing in her knee was coming from a muscle imbalance between the front thigh, quads and posterior thigh, hamstrings. I explained what exercises to perform and recommended she get my first book to help see how to perform the recommended exercises. That was it. She never had to see me nor receive any treatment.
My method is the only method I am aware of that allows you determine which tissue is the cause of your pain because no other method or diagnostic test is in a position to identify all potential causes of pain such as a bone, a nerve or MUSCLE.
In roughly 90% of cases, I have proven that the cause of pain is muscle weakness or imbalance and that targeted strength training is the only method to resolve the cause.
You can resolve your own pain if you understand how to identify the cause and if found to be muscular, understand which exercises to perform and how to perform them.

My new book, The Pain Cure Rx: The Yass Method Of Diagnosing and Resolving Chronic Pain gives you blue print to identify the cause of pain. The book is being released by Hay House on June 2, 2015 and is available for preorder at
I also have a PBS special airing on June 1st, 2015 across the country which will provide a lecture illustrating the fundamentals of my method and examples of how it changed lives.
Don’t live in pain. Get the answers you need to resolve your pain quickly and effectively. There is a revolution coming in regards to the diagnosis and treatment of pain. This is your chance to understand how YOU can diagnose and treat your pain.