After careful consideration regarding the logistics of going to both San Francisco and Los Angeles, we are decided to focus on San Francisco this trip running from November 14th thru November 18th, Monday thru Friday. We will then returning to California in December to visit Los Angeles from December 5th thru December 9th, Monday thru Friday. It really came down to the extent of traveling I will have to do to get from Florida to California and still be focused to maximize my time and effort to provide the top quality treatment that people expect and I always strive to provide. So if you are in San Francisco and have not contacted my wife Lisa yet, please do so at her email address: if you would like to make an appointment for next week. If you have already been in contact with her, she should be following up with you to make your appointments. Just as a precaution you can always follow up with her just to make sure the appointments are confirmed.
For those in Los Angeles who have contacted Lisa, she should be getting back to you to schedule your appointments in the first week of December. I hope this is not an inconvenience for those who thought I was coming in November. We are trying to make sure I have enough time to see everybody who is interesting in getting treated.
I appreciated all the warm responses and requests for treatment from those who have done so. I am a humble man with a gift I was given and I believe it is my responsibility to reach as many people as possible so they can benefit from this gift and get back their lives. I am trying to make myself available to as many people as possible and to all those who need this understanding.
If for some reason, you can’t see me while I am in these towns in the next two months, please think about coming to my office in St Augustine, Florida or making an appointment for a Skype computer evaluation and treatment. The quicker we can properly diagnose the tissue eliciting your symptoms, the quicker the distress of the tissue can be resolved and the symptoms ceased.
Again, thank you to everybody for your interest in the Yass method.