You are not alone in suffering with chronic pain!
Everyday millions of Americans and roughly a billion people around the world seek medical attention for their chronic pain. When the procedures and surgeries don’t work they think it is them that it is problem. It just hasn’t worked for them yet or maybe its in their head. What they don’t know is that it […]
The Yass method is highlighted as a key method to resolve pain in this month’s Natural Awakenings Magazine
Check out this month’s issue (June) of Natural Awakenings Magazine. The Yass method is highlighted as being a key method to addressing the cause of chronic pain. It is always thrilling to me when somebody finds the Yass method and sees its value as the only true method to properly address chronic pain. The mere […]
If the medical establishment has been programmed, how will you ever have your chronic pain resolved?
Just think about it. If those that are treating you have been programmed to believe the lie that structural variations found on MRIs are causing your pain, how will you ever have your chronic pain resolved. You try to do the right thing by getting a second, third and fourth opinion. Each specialist telling you […]
Back in Manhattan for treatment and media- July 10-14th!
Hello all. I have been asked to come to the northeast for a media event which always opens up the door for me to treat people looking to resolve their symptoms through the Yass method who might find it difficult to make it down to my office in St. Augustine, Florida. I will be in […]
One Skype away from resolving your pain!
From the first time my PBS special aired in June 2015 till today more and more people are finding out about the only true method to resolve chronic pain; the Yass method. The method is based on over 2 decades of experience treating more than 15,000 patients. At its core is the principle that pain […]
Like sheep to the slaughter they go unknowing!
Every person in pain enters the medical establishment with the belief that the understanding of what causes their pain exists. This is the ultimate falacy. This is why chronic pain exist for 130 million Americanas and 1 billion people worldwide. This is why 22 million Americans are addicted to prescription pain medication. This is why […]
If you don’t see a big pouch of fluid where you pain is then bursitis cannot be your diagnosis!
Every time you are diagnosed with bursitis as the cause of your pain and you physically don’t see a large pouch of fluid where the pain is being experienced, you are being lied to, period! this retarded notion that an x-ray is needed to see bursitis is ludicrous. A bursa is a pouch of fluid […]
A common theme amongst the people I treated in New York
This past week I had a very successful trip to New York to treat patients who decided they wanted to try the Yass method for resolving their symptoms and returning them to full function. The great thing about my method is that I can see a continuous pattern among all the people I saw. Everybody had […]
The fortress of solitude to the medical establishment’s kryptonite! The only place to resolve your pain!
Everyday i encounter more and more people who have been left suffering with chronic pain for no reason other then the ineptness of a system unwilling to acknowledge that they are promoting a baseless method of diagnosing the cause of pain. As a result the number of people suffering with chronic pain continues to rise […]
You would be insane to stay with the existing system when results like this can be achieved with the Yass method!
Everyday I come in contact with people desperate to find a solution to resolving their pain. These people are just like you. They entrusted their faith in a system that tells them they will resolve their pain but never achieves this goal. Worse off, the pain is made worse or the treatment moves from establishing […]